From Land to Fork

Most disease in our life is a consequence of our dis-ease with life.
Medical science does not help with restoring harmonious relationships with our physical and mental wellbeing. We need to take our health into our own hands.That starts with taking responsibility for the food that goes into our bodies.
We are losing sight of where food comes from and how it is produced. Much of what we eat is highly processed, over packaged and transported over long distances.
This event’s focus is on healthier food systems and the power of communities to address the current imbalance in this area of health creation. Food like soil, air, water and our atmosphere is a shared resource on which life on this planet depends. It is much more than nutrition when it is understood to include a whole web of relationships – a Food Commons.
Some of our presenters
Jamie Harvie: Institute for a Sustainable Future, The Food Commons, Commons Health Network Jamie employs a systems approach to build relationships and facilitate improved human, community and ecological resilience. He will share from his lived
experience what works and what does not.
Helen Cooke: Nutrition Lead for the Portland Centre for Integrative
Medicine.( on prescription project. Will speak on ‘what is a good diet’.
Helena Paul is co-director of EcoNexus, a not-for-profit public interest research organisation based in Oxford, UK working in agricultural biodiversity, food sovereignty, agriculture and climate change amongst other interests.
Living Medicine: People and Plants for Health,
Alex Laird, Medical Herbalist.
NHS Brainfood: Using lifestyle and nutrition to address cognitive decline & dementia.
Ed Rosen – Lambeth CCG Lambeth GP Food Co-op:
gp-surgeries/ Bromley by Bow Centre: Dan Hopewell – Director of Knowledge and Innovation. BBBC works with over 2,000 people each month, supports people to overcome chronic illness and unhealthy lifestyles. Enables people to learn new skills and to find